
Have got - Birtoklás

„Have got” – Birtoklás

A have got szerkezettel fejezhetjük ki, ha van valamink azaz birtoklunk valamit.




I have got

I haven’t got

Have I got?

you have got

you haven’t got

Have you got?

he has got

he hasn’t got

Has he got?

she has got

she hasn’t got

Has she got?

it has got

it hasn’t got

Has it got?

we have got

we haven’t got

Have we got?

you have got

you haven’t got

Have you got?

they have got

they haven’t got

Have they got?



I have got a brother. – Van egy (fiú) testvérem.

She has got 2 daughters. – Van két lánya.

Have you got a car? – Van autód?

We haven’t got a dog. – Nincs kutyánk.


Family members – Családtagok


Mother - anya

Father - apa

Children - gyerekek

Son – fiú gyereke valakinek

Daughter – lány gyereke valakinek

Sister - lánytestvér


Brother – fiútestvér

Sibling - testvér

Grandmother - nagymama

Grandfather - nagypapa

Grandson – unoka (fiú)

Granddaughter – unoka (lány)

Grandchildren - unokák

Wife - feleség

Husband - férj

Mother-in-law - anyós

Father-in-law - após

Sister-in-law - sógornő

Brother-in-law - sógor

Cousin - unokatestvér

Aunt - nagynéni

Uncle – nagybácsi

Niece – unokahúg

Nephew - unokaöccs


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