
Angol nyelvű olvasmányok - Read for fun

Weather idioms


Storm in a teacup?

Tanulj időjárással kapcsolatos idiómákat!



odd one out


Animals Odd One Out

Find the odd one out! Along with the answer, you can find some explanations on the vocab, as well.




too much coffee test


Drinking too much coffee?

Test yourself if you have too much blood in your caffein system, too:)






Marriage Through Time

Read about the history of getting married.




what your body can do


What your body can do...

Test you body vocabulary with this quiz!





travelling crossword


Travelling Crossword

Print and do the crossword to finish a quote about travelling.







weird food


5 Weirdest Foods from around the World

Read about what some people consider a delicacy, some bizarre.



father's day reading


Take Time to be a Dad!

Father's Day ideas for dads to spend quality time with their children.



Queen Elizabeth II

The Queen

For her official birthday here are some interesting facts about Elizabeth II.



Strawberry dream recipe


Light Strawberry Dream Recipe

Here is a really easy recipe for a hot summer day like this. Try and enjoy!



Read for Fun Top 5 holiday destinations


Top 5 Holiday Destinations

Read about the best places worth visiting in Europe!



stress test


How stressed out are you?

Fill the test and find out!




chocolate quiz

Chocolate trivia quiz

Derítsd ki mennyit tudsz a csokiról!




chocolate sauce recipe


Chocolate sauce recipe

Easy to do, try it!




Axe Murderer Horror story


The Axe Murderer Hollow

A horror story from Pennsylvania for a spooky Halloween night;)




Xmas pudding  - Xmas in England


Christmas in England

Read about the English Xmas traditions, with vocablist to help.





cultural differences


Cultural differences

When to keep up your clothes and when to take your shoes off? You'll know if you read this article about cultural differences.





Romance quiz

Find out how romantic you are with this test.





hot cross bun recipe


Hot Cross Buns

Olvass el egy receptet a hagyományos angol húsvéti sütiről! A bátrabbak el is készíthetik!


food facts


For everybody who is concerned about eating a lot at Xmas, here is the secret!!!




rock and roll englishBest rock and roll riffs ever. Open Wings brings you the best songs of all time.





oredr of the garter

Need to know... (really???)

Interesting facts and stories



Angol nyelvtanfolyam Szegeden